Lockdown Yoga: How to get going with yoga when everywhere is closed

There’s really never been a better time to get into yoga.

Many yoga teachers  who were teaching in community centres, church halls or studios have embraced technology and gone online – meaning you  have access to yoga teachers from all over the world. 

There are also tonnes of online platforms like Glo and Yoga International, and of course YouTube.  If you can though, support your local studios and teachers – small businesses are struggling, plus building a local community feels especially important right now  . Why not reach out to your local teachers and see if they offer online classes?

Each teacher brings their own style and personality to their sessions so if one class isn’t the right fit, don’t give up – you’ll find someone else who’s perfect for you.

Should I choose live or on demand classes?

 By “live” I mean live Zoom classes, as opposed to recorded sessions. Zoom classes offer you as close to an in class experience as you can get from the comfort of your own home. Yoga teachers and studios will have bookable Zoom classes on their website or social media. Once you have found the right session for you’ll need to book. You’ll be given a link to join your chosen teacher live.

This is a great place to start as the teacher can give you modifications – help and adjustments with your poses – specifically for you. You’ll get to know the teacher and maybe even the other students. I know my sessions feel like a lovely little community now and I love hearing about everyone’s day as well as seeing their various,dogs, cats and occasional children that join in.

On demand platforms and YouTube are brilliant and you’ll certainly find a lot of choice. There’s so many different kinds of yoga and ways of teaching it, so this is a great way to get a feel for what style works best for you. The  downside to this is that you don’t get the human interaction or the modifications.

How do I find a teacher?

Instagram is a great place to start. Most yogis and yoginis post their classes here and you get to know their personality and style as well as connect with them through DM’s. 

One Stop Wellbeing has a number of local yoga teachers and studios registered so make sure you check them out online.

Hashtags are another great way of finding local teachers as lots use #yoganottingham #yogaderby etc. Hashtags can also help you find the right style  – try #slowflow or #gentleyoga.

But how do I actually start practicing at home?

Time, space and a mat… that’s really all you need. 

But apart from the mat…  time and space can sometimes feel like a challenge! I know that it’s especially hard if you have  children or other caring responsibilities,   along with the many other demands that life makes on us.

 Try to find a space where you can enjoy your time on the mat. Maybe your living room if there’s a quiet time during the day;your bedroom – or be brave and try the garden. Keep your mat nearby or if you have the luxury of enough room, leave your mat out.

Could you wake  10 minutes early and start your day with a short practice? Or maybe before bed works better for you?  If you have little ones, ask them to join you – this may not be as peaceful as you’d like but it might have the unexpected benefit of settling them down after a long day!

 If you’ve never tried yoga before, I recommend joining some classes on zoom or on demand,  to get a feel for the different poses you’d like to incorporate into your own daily routine .

What about your service?

Hi, I’m Isabel Greed, founder of While I Breathe: Yoga, based in Ilkeston, Derbyshire. I’ve been practicing yoga for 14 years and I completed my Yoga Teacher Training in 2020.

 I’m always learning and increasing  my knowledge and understanding of this vast and ancient practice. Last summer after qualifying as a yoga teacher I started delivering my first yoga sessions in local woodland. It was an incredible experience and I can’t wait to get back outside and teaching my lovely students in person.

I currently run Zoom classes three times a week and I specialise in gentle yoga helping you to find connection with yourself. I also host a wellbeing hub focusing on sustainable living, with guided meditations, yoga, recipes and guest experts on various subjects.  You can find full details on my website, or feel free to connect on Facebook or Instagram through the links below.

Blog post contributed by Isabel Greed – WhileIBreathe yoga.

Cover photo by Ginny Rose Stewart on Unsplash

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