In the grand scheme of healthcare, Social Prescribing is a relatively new concept. But it is one that is growing in importance.

For as long as I can remember in my Physiotherapy career, my patients have generally known that they need to improve their health habits, and that engaging with local services is likely to support with that. The challenge they have often faced has been knowing what services are available in their local area, and where to find them. This is where the role of a social prescriber has been created.

What is Social Prescribing?

The National Academy for Social Prescribing states that ‘Social Prescribing connects people to practical and emotional community support’

Social Prescribers, or Link workers have time to build trusting relationships, start with what matters to the person, create a plan and introduce people to community support.

Social prescribing connects people to practical and emotional community support, through social prescribing link workers

National Academy for Social Prescribing

‘It helps people get more control over their healthcare, to manage their needs and in a way that suits them. It can especially help people who:

  • have one or more long-term condition
  • need support with their mental health
  • are lonely or isolated
  • have complex social needs which affect their wellbeing.

The Social Prescribing Academy also states that typically, these services are provided by voluntary and community sector organisations, for example, volunteering, arts activities, group learning, gardening, befriending, cookery, healthy eating advice and a range of sports.’

At One Stop Wellbeing are also committed to supporting some of the incredible private service providers. These services offer hugely valuable services to their users and clients. At One Stop Wellbeing, we have over 200 registered services on our platform, with something for everyone!

Take a look at our directories to find something to inspire you today!

How we can support you or a family member.

We offer 1:1 sessions during which we will identify your wellbeing needs, and how best to support and address these. From there, we will work to find the most appropriate services to help support you with these needs. Once we have don this, we will build you a package of care to help move you forwards. From there, we can have regular check-ins, to see how you are getting on, identify any challenges you might be facing and make any adjustments as required.

One Stop Wellbeing founder – Mike Whichello

How we can support your business or employees.

We can offer single or regular day visits to your company from one of our consultants. During these visits, employees can book in at a time that is convenient for them. During these sessions, we offer an identical service to our 1:1 sessions, and can connect employees with local services. Any future face to face follow up consultations can be agreed with you as the employer.

We also offer a referral service, working with your HR or Occupational Health teams to support employees who are struggling with their wellbeing, which may be impacting on their capability within their roles, and where lifestyle changes have been recommended.

If you are interested in being kept up to date with the latest information on our services and our registered members, you can register your interest here!

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