What members of @The BOX had to say…

“Over the past year Alice has helped me get stronger & more confident in training.

I take part in her ‘Semi-Private’ sessions which have helped me perfect a range of different exercises. The exercises Alice has chosen for me has helped me get where I want to be & see results that after years of training in different gyms I have not achieved.

The virtual classes Alice has run during lockdown have been an absolute lifesaver! Doing a virtual class with Alice before starting my daily office work at home has set me up for the day & energised me to get through the day both physically & mentally. I actually feel that I stepped up my training during this time which has been a very positive outcome from lockdown.

Training with Alice is about personal results rather than just a routine in a large class environment. She makes exercise fun but also ensures it will bring the results you want to achieve.

I like the community feel Alice has created with members at @The BOX, during lockdown she created a WhatsApp group where she kept us informed with regular nutrition tips & tips to help with our mental health.

Thank you Alice!”

After years of going to different gyms and having different PT’s I have finally started to understand that exercise isn’t just about “how heavy you can squat” or “how long you can run for” or “looking thin and toned in photo’s” it’s 4 fold… encompassing physical health, mental health, wellbeing and nutrition. It is Alice who has helped me to see this, and now I have a whole new outlook on fitness.

@The BOX started up when a pandemic struck, but that did by no means stop Alice from motivating her clients and being a support network to myself and so many others. As a healthcare worker and seeing the devastating effects Covid-19 has had on my patients and their families, there has been days/weeks… even a month or two, where I have been so unmotivated and low. Alice has consistently reminded me that it’s okay to have a bad day and we’re all only human – reminding me that looking after my mental health is just as crucial as my physical health.

I found that participating in Alice’s group training sessions made physical exercise so much more fun and week by week I felt stronger, healthier and engaged. Throughout each lockdown, Alice has offered online classes which were available to view at any time via social media, these allowed me to work around my job/home life and still continue to exercise. The classes leave me feeling positive and energised, Alice also gives options for those who struggle with joint pain/certain injuries to make the classes as holistic and engaging as possible for all of her clientele.

Alice reaches out to her clients via social media, email and message so everyone can access her support. She has a monthly newsletter providing us with so much helpful information and also posts so many yummy mouth-watering snack/meal ideas to keep me staying inspired and reminding me that being health doesn’t just mean eating lettuce for lunch every day!

I cannot wait to return to Alice @The BOX and continue to learn, feel good and just get my body moving!! Thank you Alice, you’re truly a little gem!”

What Alice says….

We are a vibrant home gym in Derby; specialising in strength, endurance & HIIT training. We strive on creating a personal approach to health and fitness by Offering 1:1 Personal Training, Semi-Private Training & Small Group PT’s. I’m slightly crazy by taking a leap to start a business in the middle of Lockdown but there is light at the end of the tunnel and I can’t wait to meet lots of new faces as we finally open our doors on Monday! (12/04/2021)

Alice Park, @alice_thebox

Check out Alice’s One Stop Wellbeing profile for more details!

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