I thought it would be useful to reintroduce what One Stop Wellbeing is. The inspiration behind it, the purpose and the aspirations! One Stop Wellbeing is a central resource, to help you find local wellbeing services.

One Stop Wellbeing was born from my professional practices. I was finding that a significant number of my patients would benefit from being physically active, and engaging with other local wellbeing services. But often I would be asked ‘What is there locally that I can get involved with?’, but the problem was, I didn’t really know either!

What I felt was needed was a central resource, populated with local wellbeing service – hence, One Stop Wellbeing was born. In its purest form, it is a signposting resource for healthcare professionals, to support patients in engaging with local wellbeing services.

Since then, as the population on the platform has grown, the concept has involved. I’ve seen more and more the broader value that a central wellbeing resource can offer.

Of course, my hope is that it can continue to service the NHS, and their patients. But working back in the NHS more recently, I feel that there needs to be more responsibility taken by employees, to support their employees in improving their mental, social and physical wellbeing.

Social prescribing is an increasingly important concept in the NHS , and it is a concept that I am determined to support in embedding it as a concept in the Occupational health / HR / Employee wellbeing sectors.

What we do

Our aim is simple – to connect your patients or employees with some of the brilliant local services to support their individual wellbeing needs.

How we can help

We offer a number of services, from face to face sessions, discussing the benefits of Physical activity, healthy ageing, mental health and wellbeing, to 1:1 referrals for individual employee wellbeing support. We can support your employees to find local wellbeing services, to support their individual needs.

If you are looking to invest in employee wellbeing that is bespoke to the demographics of your wellbeing, please do get in touch.

Mike Whichello – Mike@onestopwellbeing.co.uk

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