Top tips for kick starting your physical activity this year.

The best time to start any new health initiative is NOW. Whether that is the 1st of January or the 1st of May – that is a fact that I absolutely do not dispute.

But we all know the that the New Year presents us with an opportunity for a New Year New Me. An opportunity to draw a line in the sand, and allow us to enter into a new year with a fresh impetus and renewed motivation.

So with that in mind, here are my top tips for steering and maintaining that motivation, to carry you through.

1. Identify WHY you want to get active

For many, the default answer to this question is usually weight-related, and thats perfectly understandable. But it’s worth considering this question a bit more deeply.

Do you want to –

Increase your confidence?

Feel happier about yourself?

Do you want to increase your Physical capacity to be able to do more activities with your family?

Feel less lonely, and build your confidence around people?

Everyone will have their own personal reasons for improving their health, but it’s important to be honest with yourself about what they are. When motivation starts to fade, referring back to a much more personal ‘Why’ is far more likely to keep you on track.

2. Try a few different activities

There will be many many people who will renew their gym membership this January. But if you have previously been a member of a gym, hated it, and are joining again because you feel obliged to do so to lose weight or even improve your health – PLEASE stop and consider what other options you might have.

Ask friends and colleagues what they do, what classes they go to and ask if you can go along with them. Many services will be happy to offer you a free trial for you to have a go and see how you enjoy it.

It’s worth weighing up the cost effectiveness of your gym membership vs paying £5-8 on a couple of taster sessions, especially in that first month. Maybe set a January goal to try at least 1 new class a week, to see which of those that you enjoy most.

Energee, Derby

3. Do something that you enjoy

The health benefits of physical activity are multiple. Weight loss, reduced blood pressure, reduced cholesterol, increased bone density, reduced risk of many of the major lifestyle diseases. But these benefits are often a secondary benefit to the enjoyment of that activity.

Doing some thing you love means that you will do it more often and more consistently. You’ll go not because you want to lower your blood pressure, but because you want to see the friends that you’ve made, or feel supported by the coach or session leader. This consistency is ultimately what will lead to the many health benefits listed above

So, your number 1 criteria for increasing your physical activity this year should be FUN.

Crossfit Lacemakers, Long Eaton

How One Stop Wellbeing can support your New Year New me quest.

Firstly, and very simply! Have a browse through our directory. We have a huge number of services listed on the website, or browse through our previous articles where we have featured some of these. So you’ll find plenty of inspiration on there!

Secondly, if you would like a bit of 1:1 support to help you identify your WHY, and your goals, get in touch. We can offer a session to help identify these, then link you up with some of the partner service we have in your area.

If you are interested in a 1:1 session to help move you forwards in 2023 – get in touch

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