As a professional football referee at the top level and over 500 games to my name, I have had over 15 years of looking after my training and what I eat and drink. My fitness  has always been of the top level whether it be speed, endurance or weight training. Working with the best sports scientists on a weekly basis with the latest technology or advances within training and exercise it became the norm to me. I had already studied my qualification in training and sports science so whilst I knew a high level, I was always fortunate to work with the highest company who invested in the latest equipment and training programmes in order for us to be elite performers.

I was always eager to learn about adaptations to training as research was taken and delivered and I could see how my body was changing through these great opportunities I was given. My passion went stronger and stronger within the health and fitness industry.

On the nutritional side of things I have always been bought up to eat well instilled by my parents who also have an active and training lifestyle, hence the path they wanted me to go down. Again through qualifying as a nutritonalist  I was able to see what diet was needed for not only different types of people and their goals but also the different type of diet needed for each sport whether it be as a single participant or part of a team type sport. Again through changes in looking and my diet I could see my body changing in ways I wanted to. I learnt my own way to identify how my body responded to certain foods; if I wanted to lose body fat, or I wanted to increase body composition and hypertrophy then I know what area of food and drink was needed to be taken.

I continue to work at the elite level of professional football in the UK. The best in the world. I continue to aim for training goals but I also enjoy experiencing with different aspects of my training. Yet I also know how to get the balance right between my football and other important factors in life. Life doesn’t revolve around it!. I know if I get that right then I can enjoy the luxuries of having an alcoholic beverage or a take away. But I also know when its time to recover and rest in order to get the most out of my training.

As a result of this I want to express my passion and help other people with their goals. We all have setbacks and we all have different things to be getting on with in our lives more importantly spending quality time doing different interests with our family and friends. I strive in assisting people to achieve their physical aspirations, as well as what the company expresses in its name; having a good mental wellbeing and wellness to our lives. I’ve had my own personal setbacks as you can see in my blog, but it’s about picking yourself up and making yourself stronger.

Members Testimonials


I’ve been working with James +/or Fit4Wellbeing now since we came out of lockdown in June 2020. I struggled to maintain my exercise regime and I was stressed with the isolation me and the family were going through. Fit4Wellbeing have helped support my comeback to exercising and I feel better in myself for that ‘ kick up the backside’ needed to motivate me back to normality. I have followed their advice and programming to stimulate me on a daily basis and I am able to feel confident going back to the gym environment.

My family are certainly seeing their mum back too!


I have suffered from anxiety and depression for several years. I found it hard to speak to people about it until speaking to the Fit4Wellbeing team over the phone. I was amazed by how supportive they are and their professional guidance in helping me through tough times of late. This made me speak about my problems in  confidential environment and I have used them ever since to help with my anxiety which I have seen an improvement through how I am working with them.

I subscribed to the starter pack which has been a huge help on a weekly basis with our private telephone conversations.

I subscribed to the starter pack which has been a huge help on a weekly basis with our private telephone conversations. I am still on my own journey but I feel more confident in my ability to cope with my issues now and I know I can turn to Fit4Wellbeing whenever I feel down to help me back to the way I want to be. 


Without doubt Fit4wellbeing is a fantastic place for people fighting mental illness. The variety of knowledge and experience they provide is second to none!

I particularly like the regular information articles and blogs. I can certainly relate to these myself and I have learned a great deal in combating my mental health issues. Someone is always there to listen.

I am looking forward to speaking at the group sessions in future to tell them of my own journey through depression and how using Fit4Wellbeing as my platform in achieving what I want to do with the rest of my life.

As a result of Fit4Wellbeing I am now in a better place in my life. I am waking up in the morning with a positive attitude to life and I am proud to say I am have been successful in joining the Royal Marines next winter- something I would never have had the confidence to do before.

Fit4Wellbeing definitely gave me the drive to success and have been a help in me striving to do this. Thankyou 

You can find out more about Fit4Wellbeing by checking out their profile.

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